Course Aims
The aim of the course is to provide delegates with the underpinning core OTP knowledge required to undertake further machine and crane controlling and/or machine and crane operator training within the OTP training framework.
Who is this course suitable for?
The On-track Plant Core E-Learning Course is for any individual who will require to undertake On-track Plant machine controller and machine operator duties on the Network Rail Infrastructure.
Course Objectives
The course is designed to provide individuals with the Core knowledge required to become a machine operator or machine controller and to enable them to continue to gain further On-track Machine controller and operator competences.
Additional Information
Candidates must be a minimum age of 18, hold the PTS competence and be deemed suitable to undertake OTP duties by their primary sponsor.
Pre-Requisite Requirements
It is the Sponsors responsibility to ensure candidates booked onto the course are eligible for the training they are to receive and in line with any relevant medical level or restriction that may apply, in accordance with NR/L2/OHS/00124 Competence Specific Fitness Medical Requirements.
Please be aware that candidates will be treated on a training event as if they are at work and they must comply with the relevant medical policy and bring their Sentinel card which will be swiped at the start of the course.
Must be a minimum age of 18.
Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Competence Specific Fitness Medical Requirements to minimum medical level 1 and Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/0120 (Drugs & Alcohol).
Must have sufficient command of English language as detailed in Network Rail Company Specification NR/L2/CTM/021 (Competence & Training in Track Safety).
Must bring Sentinel smart card with valid PTS (must be out of Learning Support)
Please advise of any additional needs within a learning environment, such as Dyslexia, amongst candidates in advance of the course.